We got a new smooth function for approximating the plus function by interpolation base on smooth piecewise polynomial functions. 基于光滑的分段多项式函数和插值思想推导出一个新的光滑函数,从而可以更好地逼近正号函数。
The undetermined function can be approximated, based on the function approximation theory, with some simple functions such as polynomial or piecewise polynomial when the function values are known on the defined point set. 由函数逼近理论可知,当只在已知点集上给出函数值时,可用多项式或分段多项式等较简单函数逼近待定函数。
Some corresponding improved methods are summarized. High-pass filter, piecewise polynomial fitting and empirical mode decomposition ( EMD) are applied to eliminate the error effect of numerical integral and their corresponding merits and demerits are detailedly reviewed. 将高通滤波、分段多项式拟合以及经验模态分解(Empiricalmodedecomposition)技术应用于消除数值积分的误差影响,并详细论述各种处理方法的优缺点。
A Solution for Dynamic Responses of Linear Systems Using Piecewise Hermite Polynomial 利用分段Hermite多项式的线性系统动力响应的求解
A state space model for ABS ( Anti-lock Brake System) of four channels was set up. Considering the nonlinear characteristics of its control problem, a piecewise linear superposition system was built by PLPF ( Piecewise Linear Polynomial Function). 建立了四通道车辆防抱制动系统(ABS)的状态空间模型,考虑到其非线性特性,提出了用PLPF(分段线性多项式)函数对其进行分段线性化的方法。
Because the Duhamel integration of piecewise polynomial is exact, the proposed solution is more accurate and computationally effort saving than the traditional numerical integration schemes. 由于分段多项式的Duhamel积分是有精确解,因而和一般的数值积分法相比,本方法不但具有较高的计算精度,而且大大减少了计算工作量。
At last, a model example is supplied by the finite element method which is combined by variation principle and piecewise polynomial interpolation. 文章最后利用变分原理和分片多项式插值相结合的有限元法,给出了一个典型算例。
C  ̄ k shape preserving piecewise polynomial of degree 2k+ 1 interpolation C~k连续的保形2k+1次分段多项式插值
The piecewise polynomial curves generated by the above-mentioned functions possess the same structure and geometry properties as piecewise quadratic uniform B-spline curve. 它们具有二次均匀B样条基函数的性质,且用它们生成的分段多项式曲线具有与分段二次均匀B样条曲线相同的结构和几何性质。
Least square piecewise polynomial fitting and its program 最小二乘分段多项式拟合及其计算机程序
This result can be combined with subdivision method to obtain a piecewise interval polynomial approximation for a rational surface. 这一结果可以与细分技术相结合,得到有理曲面的分片区间多项式的逼近。
Data Analysis for Spectroscopic Ellipsometry with Piecewise Polynomial Method 椭圆偏振光谱数据处理的分段多项式法
A Piecewise Polynomial Method for Calculating Electromagnetic Field 求解电磁场的分片多项式方法
Piecewise polynomial Approximation of Rational Curves and Surfaces 有理曲线和曲面的分片多项式逼近
The displacement functions of infinite soil piece are given as the product of analytical functions in vertical and radial directions and piecewise polynomial in the angular direction. 无限延伸的土体介质片的位移函数沿竖向及径向取用解析函数,而沿周向采用分片多项式。
Piecewise Trigonometric Polynomial Spline Curves by Three-Points 基于三点分段的三角多项式样条曲线
Based on the functions, a method of generating piecewise polynomial curves with a shape parameter is given. 基于给出的调配函数,可建立一种带形状参数的分段多项式曲线;
The static state models of an EGO sensor were obtained by using piecewise polynomial method and nonlinear regression analysis method based on available experimental data. 在发动机实验台上,采用比较法对EGO传感器进行了稳态标定实验。
Based on the newly-developed element energy projection ( EEP) method for computation of super-convergent results in one-dimensional finite element method ( FEM), the task of self-adaptive FEM analysis was converted into the task of adaptive piecewise polynomial interpolation. 基于新近提出的一维有限元后处理超收敛算法&单元能量投影(EEP)法,将有限元自适应求解问题转化为对超收敛解答的自适应分段多项式插值问题;
Vector piecewise polynomial ( VPP) approximation algorithm is proposed for environment compensation of speech signals degraded by both additive and convolutive noises. 为了统一地补偿电话语音受加性噪声和卷积通道响应的影响,本文提出了矢量分段多项式近似(VPP)算法。
A method of generating piecewise cubic polynomial curves with two shape parameters is presented, based on the structure of the quadratic uniform B-Spline curves. 以经典的二次B样条曲线结构构造了一种带两个形状参数的可调三次多项式曲线。
This paper studies the processing method of engine performance test data. Using the least square piecewise polynomial fitting method to fit curve, the working efficiency and test accuracy could get great improvement. 研究了发动机性能试验数据处理的方法,提出利用最小二乘分段多项式拟合方法对曲线进行拟合,可提高工作效率和试验精度;
The method employs a recently developed direct optimization technique that uses a piecewise polynomial representation for the state and controls, thus converting the optimal control problem into a nonlinear programming problem. 这种方法利用了近些年来发展起来的直接优化技术,用分段多项式来表示整个轨道的状态和控制向量,将最优控制问题转化为非线性规划问题来研究。
Operational Matrices of Piecewise Quadratic Polynomial Functions with Application to Linear Time-Varying Systems 分段二次多项式函数的运算矩阵及在线性时变系统中的应用
The continuous piecewise polynomial trial functions are trilinear in the space variables and bilinear in the angle variables. 其中对于方程中的坐标变量用分片连续线性多项式作为试探函数,对于方程中的角度变量用分片连续双线性多项式作为试探函数。
Methods It is discussed by nonparametric piecewise polynomial estimation and least squares estimation. 方法利用非参数分段多项式估计和最小二乘法进行讨论。
Meanwhile, according to the principle of curve fitting, using the curve fitting toolbox of Matlab software, the mapping data have been fitted by polynomial, piecewise polynomial and cubic spline interpolation principle. 同时,根据曲线拟合原理,运用Matlab软件中的曲线拟合工具箱,进行了多项式、分段多项式及三次样条插值拟合。
The reproducing kernel function is constructed by the form of piecewise polynomial, which can simplify the calculation process. 文中所用到的再生核函数是以分段多项式形式给出的,这种形式的再生核函数大大简化了计算过程。
Piecewise quadratic polynomial functions which are local smooth differentiable are used to fit the mesh vertices near the hole. 利用分段二次多项式函数局部光滑可微的特性,采用分段二次多项式对网格空洞周围顶点进行拟合。
V-system is an orthogonal complete function on L2 [ 0,1], composed of piecewise polynomial, which includes not only continue functions, but also discontinue functions. V-系统是一类由分片多项式构成的L2[0,1]空间上的正交完备函数系,函数系中既有连续函数又有间断函数。